Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Why Consciousness Defies Reality

I thought that I wouldn't be that good at writing a love poem. It actually turned out that this was one of my more heartfelt poems. I guess I'm just a loving guy. By the way I learned the word salitter from the author Cormac Mccarthy. It's an ancient word that is not in use anymore. It means the essence of God. Pretty cool. It worked well in this poem. Enjoy.

When laying in the grass
The salitter from the mud
Seeps deep into your veins
And forms pools of tranquility within
They pump from your heart
Caressing your body
With their joy
The treetops crown you
With gold jewels of light
Climbing oaks
The branch is your mare
It forms to your liking
For all it wants
Is to hold you, like I do
When crying
Pure tears of ambrosia
Paint your face with emotion
And grace your skin
Making you more beautiful
Than the breath of the wind
But the wind brings back senses
A love fresh and blind
I will embrace you forever
If only in my mind

1 comment:

  1. beautiful. i love "the treetops crown you/with gold jewels of light." Ending the poem with the two lines, "I will embrace you forever/If only in my mind" makes the poem feel complete and leaves the reader with a sense of closure.
