Monday, May 14, 2012

Author Bio?

How do you start off an author bio? I suppose I should start with a list of activities I enjoy. I like writing, though that should be obvious by the implications of creating an author's bio in the first place. I like reading. That's also obvious. My favorite author is John Steinbeck or Kurt Vonnegut. I haven't read much of the latter but from the two books I have read, Slaughter-house 5 and Galapagos, I can tell that all other books will be enjoyed. Another one of the activities that I enjoy is listening to and discovering music. When I sit at my computer and scour the internet for new bands I feel like a archeologist with a tiny brush, sweeping at the bones of a giant. I don't do this for the pleasure of finding obscure music and receiving the ridiculous title of hipster that comes along with it. But I do it for the pleasure of discovery and supporting an artist who has not made it big but who holds more artistry in their urine and feces than most other modern billboard artists have in their entire bodies today (Do not think I don't like a lot of the mainstream music, I do). My favorite band is Modest Mouse who actually went through much of the same process that I have just described. They started out very obscure; creating call to dial songs in the lead singer's kitchen. In 1997 they released one of the most critically acclaimed albums of the 90's entitled The Lonesome Crowded West. Their next album was a major label debut called The Moon and Antarctica. This album one ups everything else that the band had done before. All the sounds are richer and deeper and the emotions are more pungent and realistic. The next album featured the song Float On which catapulted the band onto the mainstream charts and ever since their fame has ceased to diminish. Many people state that the next two albums were a huge drop from all their previous, but I disagree. I think that the next two albums continue to deliver the lead singer and songwriter, Isaac Brock's, style. Now I have gotten off track, but I believe that tangent was a good description of who I am as a person. My interests truly define me and i'm passionate about them. Lately, i've been reading a lot of philosophy, and a lot of it goes by my head and I can just feel the essence of some genius flow through my brain. But sometimes a passage or description just clicks in my head and that makes everything else worth it. One of those ideas is the idea of empiricism, which is the idea that all knowledge and thought comes from the senses and if there were to be a senseless human with all the capabilities of consciousness then even so that human would not have individual conscious thought. I can definitely understand that thinking and I don't think it's truly correct of me to put down philosophers like Locke and Hume, but I just find it hard to agree. I think more in terms of the over soul which was described in an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson. This is a transcendentalist idea and if described correctly can counteract empiricist truth. Emerson states that all human beings have a soul that is part of a large celestial body of other souls. Each individual soul makes a human being, yet when all these souls are connected to form the over soul that can be a description for God. So if believing in this theory then one can conclude that we are all connected to God or some form above us, whatever you want to call it. This makes it hard for me to believe in the idea that our senses are the source of all thought. How can this theory describe absurdism. There has to be some sort of transcendentalist ideology that oversees everything. Well, just realized I went on another tangent. This is a really bad author's bio. Oh well, it's not like anyone is going to read this anyway. I play lacrosse and don't see the need for money in the universe. And a little tip, when things seem to get too complicated just remember that you're an organic machine flying through the air at unbelievable speeds on a rock. Puts things into perspective a bit. Except I always say that then deny myself because I know that we as humans are the most important objects in the entire universe. I mean, I have to believe that or else what's the point?

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